Legal notice

Landsbergerstr. 396
81241 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)89 250064 200
Fax: +49 (0)89 250064 210

Executives: Ryuichi Kimura, Hitoshi Yoshida, Wolfgang Bonatz
Court of registration: Magistrates’ Court Munich, HRB 108 910
VAT ID No. DE151305933

Responsible for the content according to § 18 MStV:

Mr Wolfgang Bonatz
Landsbergerstr. 396
81241 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)89 250064 200
Fax: +49 (0)89 250064 210

Source information for the images and graphics used:

Images: Carl Zeiss AG*

About ACCRETECH: borisyankov; iStockphoto
Reliability: Carl Zeiss AG*
Manufacturing in Munich: jian wan; iStockphoto
Sites: ymgerman; iStockphoto
News and Events: EduLeite; iStockphoto

Products & Solutions
Semiconductor Production Equipment: Krystian Nawrocki; gettyimages
Industrial metrology: Echo; gettyimages
Wafer Prober and Frame Prober: sspopov; shutterstock

Innovation & Technology 
Technological Benefits: Carl Zeiss AG*
Research & Development: Robert Churchill; iStockphoto

Semiconductor/Metrology Service: Yuri; iStockphoto
Semiconductor/Metrology Contact Form: Nikada; iStockphoto
ACCRETECH Academy: Vereshchagin Dmitry; shutterstock
Installation and relocation: vaximilian; iStockphoto
Product information available for download: joanchang; shutterstock
Technical Advice: Echo; gettyimages
Maintenance and Calibration: Monty Rakusen; gettyimages
Software Support: tom_fewster; iStockphoto
ACCRETECH Academy: Yuri; iStockphoto

* with kind permission from Carl Zeiss AG

Concept and Design:

Anja Gerscher

Concept and Text:

Sibylle Maier

Web Development and Technical Implementation:

Ammersee Media – Online Marketing

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